Swing with us in the Clouds
In Little Clouds we have
created the safe and
creativity-boosting environment.
Here in Little Clouds we try to assure the safe and creative environment for our children. How do we do it?
We are surrounded by music
We build the mood with the appropriate music that accompanies our pupils, depending on whether we are enjoying ourselves with fun and dance or rather need to focus on experiments, learning or simply slow down, relax or nap. Sometimes we listen to classical music, sometimes to the sounds of nature and sometimes – cheerful songs and crazy children beat.
Artistic sensory
We are not afraid of mess! And the best fun is when our small hands can create, smear and knead by themselves. We dress aprons and splash paints, sprinkle confetti, knead the dough and salt mass. Non-toxic paints and natural materials allow us to create without fear.
Contact with books
Books? Of course! There is no random reading on our shelves. Each book was carefully selected so that the contents is appropriate for our pupils and would help them in their development. We also arranged a reading corner. Comfortable cushions and appropriate lighting encourage the children to focus on reading. Cloud-aunts use elements of Doman’s method – global reading.
Small and big discoveries
We support small explorers and their experiments. After all, the best way to understand the world is by observing and experiencing! We measure, weight, observe, build, plant and water plants, and also observe the life of nursery animals.
Thematic corners
Little chefs can take advantage of a kitchenette – with pots, kitchens and vegetables. Just next to it you will find a fruit stall – here we play shop and weigh the fruit. The corners are changed cyclically so that each season children can get familiar with something new. Everything using child-safe props. You will also find here wooden blocks and puzzles.
After all these experiments the little ones should also have fun and channel their energy! Scrambles, bikes, foam blocks, tunnels and wigwams – here there are no limits to the imagination.
During our music lessons we play different instruments, dance and sing. Our lessons are conducted according to the E. E. Gordon’s music learning theory (often called Gordon’s).
Seasonal attractions
Every day we do our best to show our pupils something new. Often we are visited by a dog-therapist and his guardian. Sometimes a firefighter or a policeman pays us visit as well to tell us about their work. We also do not forget to carefully follow the calendar. We look out on the first day of spring and snowdrops, the first snow. Together we decorate the Christmas tree, and collect the first autumn leaves and chestnuts.
Good eating habits
Our nursery is often visited by a dietitian who encourages children to learn new flavours and also gives parents tips for a healthy and balanced diet.
Logopaedic and psychological care
Periodically, we are visited by a speech therapist and psychologist, who watch our pupils and practice with them afterwards. Reports and comments on such visits are passed on to parents so that they have full knowledge of their children’s development. We also offer consultations to parents.
Contact with a foreign language
We find it very important that our pupils have contact with English and soon – with Spanish. Little Clouds nursery is visited twice a week by a qualified teacher / native speaker who helps children to naturally assimilate the language melody and connect / associate the first words with a specific situation. This serves as a great introduction to learning a language in kindergarten.
Day schedule
7:00 – 9:00 Reception of children ( different hours available if necessary )
9:00 – 9:30 Breakfast
9:30 – 10:30 Didactic and educational activities and games
11:00 – 12:00 Walk
12:00 – 12:30 Dinner
13:00 – 15:00 Nap time
15:00 – 15:30 Extra meal ( soup )
15:30 – 16:00 Playtime
16:00 – 16:30 Afternoon snack
16:30 – 18:00 Playtime, waiting for parents